Silk Serve

Point of Sale System

Silk Serve

Point of Sale


Silk Serve is a robust Point of Sale (POS) system developed using Python, Tkinter, and SQLite. This application streamlines retail operations by providing features for managing items, orders, and sales data efficiently. The system reads retail items from a CSV file to populate the database, enabling seamless integration with existing inventory data.

Key Features

Item Management:

Retail items are imported from a CSV file to populate the database.

Items can be easily added to orders, allowing for efficient transaction processing.

Order Handling:

The system supports adding, removing, and discounting items within an order.
Orders can be discounted, and a single credit can be applied to an order.
Users can cancel or place orders with ease.

Order Handling:

Sales data is stored in an SQLite database.
Companion application, Silk Flow, facilitates accessing sales data by searching for tickets based on ID number or date.

Silk Serve

Tech Stack and Configerations

Git Repo

Key Componets

Python Tkinter Sqlite

Application Configeration overview

Getting Started

To get started with Silk Serve POS, follow the steps below:

- Installation

1. Clone from GitHub:

$ git clone

2. Virtual Environment:

$ python -m venv {venv name}

3. Install Dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Start Venv:

$ source {venv name}/bin/activate # for Unix/Linux


$ {venv name}\Scripts\activate # for Windows

5. Run Project:

$ python

Silk Serve

Demo Video